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After the death of Emperor Palpatine, remnants of Dark Jedi fled the planet of Coruscant after foreseeing it's fall. It was at that time that they met a mystical Jedi Master named Tarkon who used both the light and dark sides of the force. This was seen as disgrace to the force and Tarkon was hunted by Light Jedi everywhere. Tarkon took the Dark Jedi under his wing and completed their training.
But when the Light Jedi finally tracked down Tarkon, he sent a communication to the Light Jedi Cruiser declaring an offer of peace. But when the Light Jedi learned that he was transporting Dark Jedi they boarded his ship and attacked the Dark Jedi's. A battle ensued and Tarkon saw things falling apart, the Jedi's would destroy each other and all would be lost. Tarkon yelled through the noise of Light sabers clashing "Stop this! We must realize our true destiny is to combine as one group." We must pull together and build an order of Jedi, true to both ways of the force, forming an even more powerful order of Jedi. And so the Order of the Phantom Jedi was formed.
When the Order was fully operational and thriving, Tarkon told his Jedi brethren that he had to leave the Order for a while to pursue his destiny. He left the command of the Order in the hands of a brave Jedi Knight known as Saint and in turn Saint appointed Force Fighter as his Executive Officer, in order to assist him in leading his Brethren down the proper path to true power and control over the Force.
Without hearing from Tarkon for weeks after his last communication, the Order of the Phantom Jedi mounted a search operation in the hopes of finding their beloved leader. Upon arrival to the Sulis system where his last transmission was sent from, they discovered the wreckage of his personal transport the Morning Glory and a probe still in tact. Inside the probe was a faint voice recording, "I have picked up Alliance ships in this system and I fear this may be my last transmission. Saint take care of our brethren, and remember to master and teach both sides of the force, for together they are more powerful than anything else in this Galaxy, good luck and never forget what I taught you".
The Order continued their quest for victory and revenge over the Alliance and Imperial forces in the Corvette Dagobah 1 on a mission to take over an Imperial mining facility, the Order's ship was pulled out of hyper space by a gravity well projector on board an Interdictor Class Star Destroyer who was accompanied by an Imperial Class Star Destroyer. The ISD attacked the Dagobah 1 immediately and damaged it's engines preventing any possible escape. Wave after wave of Tie Fighters and Tie Interceptors were launched at the Dagobah 1 chiseling their shields away. On the bridge of the Dagobah 1, Saint had assembled his brethren and told them to fight until the bitter end. Ion cannon blasts sprayed against the hull of the Corvette, frying computer circuits and causing consoles to explode, while the Jedi's inside could feel the shocks coarse through their bodies. Then it suddenly stopped, XO Force Fighter tried to get a sensor reading but the ship's systems were too serverly damaged and the main computer was off line. Then they heard the banging of a ship attaching to their hull. They stood, lightsabers raised, waiting for Imperial Stormtroopers to start pouring into the bridge. As the hatch blew open the were ready to attack the Stormtroopers, but instead a lone man walked through the smoke and rubble and eyed the scene of multiple Jedi ready to attack and didn't flinch or show any fear, he said "I am Vice Admiral Rodimus Prime, the Leader of the Independent Consortium and I have saved you and your vessel from the Imperial's attack". Saint and Force seemed baffled, and noticed a lightsaber hanging from the mans waist and sensed he was strong in the force, "Your ship is beyond repair, join us and we can seek retribution against our oppressors and rule the galaxy together". Saint stood and eyed up this Jedi for the longest time and Force wondered what his leader would say. "We will join you in your conquest of the Empire and Alliance", answered Saint, and with that Rodimus Prime nodded, turned and walked back through the door in which he had came and back into the assault transport followed by his newly appointed Independent Consortium Army.
They sat in the seats and buckled in as the transport took off, Rodimus whispered something into the communicator on his wrist, then Saint caught out of the corner of his eye a squadron of 6 B-wing fighters heading for the Dagobah 1 and commence in firing a barrage of proton torpedo's towards their abandoned ship. The torpedoes struck the hull and lit up space as though it was daytime and debris flew from the hull and it exploded in a terrific fireball . Now Saint and Force peered out the window and saw the Independent Consortium's space fleet and the growing form of their flag ship the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance. As the transport flew towards it, Rodimus said "The Order of the Phantom Jedi is no more and you are no longer alone in your struggle. Your new home is with us in the Corellian Sector". Now it will be the continuing struggle of the ICN and ICA, to defeat the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire in hope of freeing the universe of their destructive conflict.
During a desperate battle with the empire WLP_FA_Rodimus was promoted to the position of the WLP XCO, And Saint took over the position of Independant Coaliton Supreme Commander, this left Force to take control of the ICA . Force then promoted Sergeant Major Korshun to his new XO.
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